Chapter 1 : Introduction
Chapter 2 : Installation
Chapter 3 : FormLecture 1: Introduction to Forms in Joget DXPrivateLecture 2: Designing Forms With Approval ProcessPrivateLecture 3: Designing Forms With CRUDPrivateLecture 4: Designing Forms with Form GridPrivateLecture 5: Designing Forms with Post Form Submission ProcessingPrivateLecture 6: TestPrivate
Chapter 4 : ReportLecture 1: Introduction to Datalists in Joget DXPrivateLecture 2: Datalist Basics - Binders & FormattersPrivateLecture 3: Datalist Binder Filtering & Hyperlink ActionsPrivateLecture 4: Datalist Column Sorting & FilteringPrivateLecture 5: Creating Aggregate ChartsPrivateLecture 6: TestPrivate
Chapter 5 : UI
Chapter 6 : Process
Course Description
Learn the basic functions of Joget DX and building your first Joget app.
In this course, we will learn how to use Joget DX platform by building a Purchase Requisition app.
At the end of the course, you will be equipped with the knowledge on installing Joget DX on your machine, building full-fledged enterprise app with little to no coding.
Access to course is limited to 5 years from date of enrollment.
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- Learn the basics of Joget and the main components of a Joget app
- Learn about commonly used Joget features
- Learn how to build a full-fledged enterprise app with no coding required!
Course Completion rule
- Traversal rule : Lectures must all be seen and completed sequentially
- All lectures must be completed
- User must pass all tests to download certificate